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Why Civility Matters

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Why Civility Matters Empty Why Civility Matters

Post  Elena Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:41 pm

A GREAT article. http://oldspouse.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/why-civility-matters/
Civility is more than polite courtesies. Derived from the Old French and Latin term for “good citizen,” civility enables us to live respectfully in communities; it is the glue that binds our society. It can be the difference between life and death–as, for example, when health care professionals bully subordinates, cover mistakes, and create mistrust. It is an essential component of our human sustainability, enabling us not only to survive but thrive.

Reversing the current course of incivility is a challenge for our times. Until a rudeness vaccine is developed, we must dig into our civility tool kit. There are compelling reasons why we should. A life is not defined by a single act, and few of us will ever achieve national acclaim or perform deeds that change the course of history. However, there is a “greatness” in treating others with respect, compassion, kindness, and generosity. With this, we can make a difference in the lives of many.

Read entire article.

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Join date : 2011-10-18
Location : East of the Sun, West of the Moon


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Why Civility Matters Empty Re: Why Civility Matters

Post  Elena Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:47 pm

Another great article on the same topic:

In his ‘Short History of Rudeness’, Mark Caldwell wrote “manners are what is left when serious issues of human relations are removed from consideration, yet without manners, serious human relations are impossible”. Although this debate was passionate, heated and far-reaching, it felt to me at that stage that a line was crossed, and crossed unnecessarily. Civility broke down, respectfulness was abandoned.

Posts : 1169
Join date : 2011-10-18
Location : East of the Sun, West of the Moon


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