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The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
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The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
A life in pictures. (From the Henri V album of Louis XX on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.185676061494877.48903.185473404848476&type=3)
To quote:
Chambord, a gift from the people of France to the heir to the throne.
Caroline of Naples, the Duchesse of Berry, mourns her murdered husband, with one child in her arms and the other in her womb.
Birth of Henri d'Artois, Sept. 29, 1820. Called the "Miracle Child" since his mother the Duchesse of Berry survived the Duc de Berry's assassination on Feb. 13, 1830. The infant is shown here in the arms of Louis XVIII, surrounded by Monsieur (Artois), The Duc d'Angouleme, and the Duchesse d'Angouleme.
It appears to be the Duchesse de Berry giving thanks while the Duc de Berry showers down roses and lilies from heaven. (Sometimes monarchists do get carried away.)
To quote:
Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonné d'Artois, né à Paris, au palais des Tuileries, le 29 septembre 1820, et décédé à Frohsdorf en Autriche le 24 août 1883, était un prétendant à la couronne de France. Il fut le dernier descendant français de la branche aînée de la maison de Bourbon.
L'Enfant du Miracle comme on le surnomme est le fils posthume de Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, Duc de Berry, assassiné en 1820, et de son épouse Marie Caroline des Deux Siciles. Par son père il est le petit-fils de Charles X.
Il épouse le 15 novembre 1846 Marie Thérèse de Modène, fille du seul souverain européen à n'avoir pas reconnu la monarchie de Juillet, François IV de Modène, et de Marie Béatrice de Sardaigne. Ce ménage uni n'a hélas pas de descendance, porte ouverte à de nouvelles querelles dynastiques.
Le nom d' Henri d'Artois, qui est celui qui figure sur son acte de naissance, n'a été utilisé ni par lui, ni par les Français. Ces derniers le connurent sous la Restauration comme Duc de Bordeaux, titre que lui donna Louis XVIII en hommage à la première ville qui se rallia aux Bourbons en 1814. À partir de 1830, il prit le titre de Comte de Chambord, du nom du château qui lui avait été offert par une souscription nationale. Il est le Roi Henri V de France.
Chambord, a gift from the people of France to the heir to the throne.
Caroline of Naples, the Duchesse of Berry, mourns her murdered husband, with one child in her arms and the other in her womb.
Birth of Henri d'Artois, Sept. 29, 1820. Called the "Miracle Child" since his mother the Duchesse of Berry survived the Duc de Berry's assassination on Feb. 13, 1830. The infant is shown here in the arms of Louis XVIII, surrounded by Monsieur (Artois), The Duc d'Angouleme, and the Duchesse d'Angouleme.
It appears to be the Duchesse de Berry giving thanks while the Duc de Berry showers down roses and lilies from heaven. (Sometimes monarchists do get carried away.)
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
Henri d'Artois, the Duc de Bordeaux, the "Miracle Child." The baby has already been given the cordon bleu with the Order of the Holy Spirit.
With his sister, Louise d'Artois, in the original cradle of Henri IV. Green was the color of the Artois family.
As a toddler.
The Duchesse de Berry with both of her children at Rosny.
A growing boy.
Henri and Louise, devoted siblings. I love this one.
With his mother at Rosny, the Berry family's country estate.
In Highland dress in imitation of Bonnie Prince Charlie during the Bourbons' Scottish exile.
Louise and Henri in Scotland.
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
Henri on his 13th birthday receiving a bouquet of flowers from his sister Louise.
Looks like his mother.
As a young man he begins to look sad.
Solemn and distinguished. Every inch a king.
With his bride, Maria Theresa.
The Comte and Comtesse de Chambord
In old age.
Death mask.
For more about the life of the Comte de Chambord, read the novel Madame Royale:
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
Beautiful pictures! I was surprised to learn Louise was Zita's grandmother! How close were Louis and Marie to the modern age. Too bad we have no photographs of Marie Therese though we do have them of her cousin, Marie Amelie! Imagine: photographs of a granddaughter of Empress Marie Theresa! And one of her own daughters, Clementine, lived into the 20th century and bears a striking resemblance to Marie Antoinette!
Didishroom- Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-10-25
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
Yes, Didishroom. I keep hoping a photo of MTC will surface someday.
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
During a 2 week tour of France last month, our little travel group visited Château de Chambord. It's a magnificent place to visit with a long royal history (beginning with Francois I) now a national museum.
I viewed the exhibit about Henri (as well as his Bourbon relatives) on display. Nearby is a small church you can visit with Masses offered there; it's beautiful inside! Check the schedule prior to entry.
I viewed the exhibit about Henri (as well as his Bourbon relatives) on display. Nearby is a small church you can visit with Masses offered there; it's beautiful inside! Check the schedule prior to entry.
princess garnet- Posts : 207
Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : Maryland
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
The Radical Royalist has a post commemorating the anniversary of Henri's death:
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
I posted this on my blog just now and really liked it so I thought I'd share. It's a portrait of Henri and his older sister:
Henri V
I love Henri V so this is going to be fun! I will post some pictures every few days. Vive le Roi Henri!
ViveHenriV- Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-12-06
Henri V (Comte de Chambord)
He looks every part a King, of course. I will always be in awe that a reigning king of France has been photographed.
ViveHenriV- Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-12-06
Re: The Comte de Chambord (Henri V)
You're most welcome! Are these not awesome? Vive Henri V, vive le Roi Henri...
ViveHenriV- Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-12-06
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